Summer Reading

It’s SUMMER! Which means, it’s about time for me to get all my work done by 4pm and then go read in the pool for a bit.

I’ve been thinking about what books I want to read over the next few months. This is the first time in … I don’t know … a couple years that I don’t have books checked out from the library that need to be read. I deliberately STOPPED putting books on my Hold list (it was tough. Honestly) so now I can just read the books I already own (and have borrowed from friends)

Some of these have been sitting in my to-read pile for months (years). Some of these are brand-new releases. Some of these have been pressed upon me by Spencer or other friends.

The point is, summer is for reading. And I intend to do a lot of it.

(In no particular order)


The Dragon Republic by R.F. Kuang: Second book of the series, and comes out later in the summer. It’s a Chinese-inspired epic fantasy series and I loved the first one.

Reaper At the Gates by Sabaa Tahir: Third book of the series. It’s a … Roman-Empire-inspired fantasy series and the first two were great.

Artemis Fowl by Eion Colfer: Middle grade, I think. This was nowhere near my radar, but it’s what Spencer and I are reading together next in anticipation of the new movie. I really hope I love it; there’s nothing better than discovering a new fantasy world to dive into.


This is Marketing by Seth Godin: I love him. Love. Him. I have loved all his books, and this is the most recent. They’re all very much the high-level strategy that I love about marketing.

Pioneers by David McCullough: I also love David McCullough and will read anything he writes. This is his newest book, about western settlers.


Geek Love by Katherine Dunn: This book has been recommended to me so many times I’ve lost count. I’m honestly not even sure I know what it is about, but I trust the people who have recommended it.

Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng: This is one of those books that I’m so sure I’m going to love, I keep putting off reading it to delay that gratification (anyone else do that with books? Just me?)


20th Century Ghosts by Joe Hill: Short story collection. Spencer just finished this and couldn’t stop raving about it, so on to my list it goes. I’ve only read one other book by Joe Hill, but from what I can tell, he’s got everything that’s great about his dad’s writing/storytelling, but ALSO makes an effort to craft good endings. Plus, since I’m trying to get better at writing short stories myself it seems smart to read more of them.

The Girl with All the Gifts by M.R. Carey: This has been on my list for awhile. I’ve been feeling more horror and post-apoc books lately (just finished Dry, for example), so I think this will fit right in.

Historical Fiction:

Anne of Green Gables (series) by L.M. Montgomery : probably not technically Historical Fiction, but since Spencer and I just finished reading the first book, I’m going to continue with the rest of the series. One of my absolute favorites and I’ll probably ignore work just to do it.

The Luminaries by Eleanor Catton: This book takes place in 1866 during New Zealand’s gold rush. It’s described as a parody of a 19th century novel, and is categorized under satire AND metaphysical books … so I’m not sure it counts as historical either. But. Historical-ish. Maybe literary. It won the Man Booker Prize, and is a huge, sprawling book. I’m sure I’ll love it.

I have several caveats to this list:

  • I’m sure I will add to it (especially every month when The Book of the Month Club selections come out and I see gorgeous covers that I NEED.
  • This actually doesn’t feel like a lot of books to me, but I’ve been watching more movies and TV shows lately, so that will take up time and fill my head with stories.
  • I also have at least 7 or 8 books to edit this summer for clients. It’s too bad I can’t really count those as reading.
  • as I was putting this list together I discovered approximately 19,000 more books I want to read. There is never enough time!
  • I’m also (always) in the mood to reread Harry Potter or any number of my other favorite books. I’ll try to restrain myself.

What is your MUST READ for this summer?